Come and be part of the biggest volunteerism project and a huge lunching concert of the Israeli-American and Jewish-American community
I am excited to share with you the recent initiative at the Israeli Leadership Council (ILC), and cordially invite you to join us in this inspiring mission.
With the aim to unite the spirit of care and generosity, we have inaugurated the I.L.Care, an inspired network of Israeli-American and Jewish-American volunteers.
The I.L.Care program empowers volunteers of all ages to work together on the common goal of a large Jewish community of giving, actively engaged with an array of humanitarian organizations in need of support, in our community and in Israel .
To celebrate the inauguration of I.L.Care we are producing an exciting Concert on November 20th, for 6,000 primarily Israeli and Jewish-American attendees.
We invite the participants to sign up for at least 4 hours of volunteer service during 2012. Each participant can select an organization of his\her choice to volunteer with.
Tickets for volunteers will be discounted from $90 down to only $18.
Register online ILCARE.NET or call 818-466-6454