Israelis Create App To Help Manage Stress

Serenita, a personalized mobile solution for Android and iOS from Eco-Fusion, measures your stress levels and helps you manage stress throughout the day with a tailored five-minute relaxation exercise. The award-winning app acquires data from your finger by turning the mobile phone’s camera into a biomedical sensor (PPG), and uses it to peer into your bloodstream to find … [Read more...]

The Surgery-Free Operating Room Of Tomorrow Is Here

In March, 200 participants in the 16th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound in Tel Aviv saw a livestreamed medical procedure to cure a woman’s essential tremor without incisions or anesthesia. Neurology and radiology experts at Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa used the Exablate Neuro system developed in Israel by Insightec.  Guided by magnetic resonance (MR) … [Read more...]

New Therapy For Prostate Cancer Coming Soon

Already on the market in Mexico, the novel light-activated drug is being tested on other types of cancer and may soon get approval in Europe. Tookad Soluble, a novel drug for prostate-cancer therapy delivered via injection and activated by laser light, was approved by Mexico’s health authority for early-stage prostate cancer earlier this year  and now is undergoing … [Read more...]

Single Blood Test Could Detect Multiple Diseases

Israeli researchers develop method to diagnose diabetes, multiple sclerosis, pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis and brain damage from one blood test. An Israeli-led international team of researchers has proof of concept for a single blood test that can detect multiple conditions, including diabetes, cancer, traumatic injury and neurodegeneration, in a highly sensitive … [Read more...]

Incision-free Treatment For Chronic Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), affects up to one in four Americans. For most, acid-neutralizing medication can control the chronic heartburn and regurgitation of acid. Some need surgical repair of the esophageal valve that normally keeps reflux from occurring. But what if medication isn’t helping and you don’t want surgery? “We target that space … [Read more...]